Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I know life is short but why when someone is suffering do they have to stick around for what seems to be an eternity? One of the greatest women to ever live is suffering horribly at the age of 97 and for whatever reason life is holding on to her. I realize some things happen for a reason but what is the reason that such a sweet person would have to live these last days of her life in such a horrible condition. This has now been going on for more than a month and I am beginning to become bitter about it. I sit here crying thinking about how badly she wants to move on to the next life and cannot. I can only pray that her suffering will be minimal and that life will let her go sometime soon. It is not fair!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, it's so...well...HORRIBLE is about the only word that comes to mind. Hopefully she will be relieved of her pain soon.
    By the way, I wanted to invite you to my blog so email me your email (by the way this is Mindy Graehl)
